"Art + Friendship" - Tiffany's first published article! 

I've got exciting news: Comment Magazine recently published some writing of mine in its summer issue, which explored the current state of friendship. Titled “Art + Friendship," the reflective piece explores the intangible gifts that friendship unleashes in the life of an artist. It begins:

“Drive west of Washington, DC, past the hip neighbourhood of Clarendon and mansions of McLean and you’ll come to a small strip mall in Vienna, Virginia. Pull into the skinny parking lot, and you’ll see that, sandwiched between the Walgreens and Advance Auto Parts, is Jammin Java, an independent concert venue that might otherwise be mistaken for a strip club. . .. ”

Though inspired by a specific record release in my life, the essay seeks to explore the powerful if often intangible ways the people we love (and who love us back) can shape the actual contours of our public work. Especially as an artist often pushed to press into laboring in solitude, I've been so encouraged by some focused reflection on the dynamic mutuality at the heart of my best work ... and my closest friendships. Each actually nourishes the other.


I hope you are uplifted by my own story, and that it empowers you to press into the courage of collaboration. Click here to read the full article, and if a friend comes to mind who would enjoy it - please feel free to share!  


What is the Value of Art?


Songwriting: Band Together